Lord Of The Rings Realms

Throughout the history of Arda, there have been many Dwarf realms:

  1. Lord Of The Rings Realms

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  • Khazad-dȗmwas the most famous and greatest of all the dwarf kingdoms. Located in the Misty Mountains, it was the home of the Longbeards and was later populated with Firebeards and Broadbeams fleeing Nogrod and Belegost. It prospered for thousands of years until the Dwarves awoke the Balrog which drove them from Khazad-dȗm, it was then renamed Moria ('Black Pit' in Sindarin).
    It is told that a few centuries into the Fourth Age, Durin VII – a descendant (some sources say the son)[1] of Thorin III Stonehelm – at last led Durin's Folk back to recolonize Khazad-dûm, where they remained 'until the world grew old and the Dwarves failed and the days of Durin's race were ended'.[1]
  • Nogrod and Belegostwere located in the Blue Mountains. The Firebeards and Broadbeams awoke in the Blue Mountains, and lived there throughout the history of their people. These two houses built the great Dwarven cities of Nogrod and Belegost in the Blue Mountains. It is not clear whether they shared the two cities or whether each house dwelt in its own.[2] Nogrod and Belegost were ruined at the end of the First Age, leaving the Firebeards and the Broadbeams to either rebuild their halls or, as many did relocate to Khazad-dȗm in S.A.40.
    The Ered Luin would later become a refuge for much of Durin's folk who established Thorin's Halls beyond the Lune[3] during the latter Third Age. However, the Firebeards and Broadbeams continued to live there through the Fourth Age, and probably till the diminishing of the race of Dwarves (there always remained some Dwarves on the eastern side of the Blue Mountains in days afterwards.)[4]
  • The Exiled Kingdom in the Grey Mountains were the great halls of which many of Durin's folk relocated to after being exiled from Khazad-dȗm. The Dwarves of the Grey Mountains became very prosperous in their new halls. for over 500 years they mined and defended their halls from the Dragons of the north and the Orcs from the west. Until, finally Cold-drakes forced them from the mountains, and killed their king Dain I. However, dwarves still remained in the Ered Mithrin throughout the Third and Fourth Age after the core population fled, surviving in whatever mines and halls were remaining.[3]
  • The Kingdom under the Mountain was one of the greatest kingdoms of the Dwarves. Located at Erebor, it was founded by Thráin I, but was abandoned by his son, Thorin I. It was resettled by Thrór but, years later, Smaugsacked the mountain and drove the Dwarves out. Thorin II Oakenshield refounded the kingdom in T.A.2941 at the cost of his life.
  • The Iron Hills were a range of small mountains rich with iron, colonized by Durin's folk during the First Age. Around the year 2500 of the Third Age, Grór son of Dáin I founded the Iron Hills as an independent kingdom after the Dwarves were exiled from the Grey Mountains, and he became the first Lord of the Iron Hills. The exiles who settled in the Iron Hills were of course in friendly relations with the Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain (Erebor), who were of similar like and mind, being kin to Grór and Thrór. After the Battle of Five Armies, many Dwarves of the Iron Hills relocated to the Lonely Mountain after the kingdom of Erebor was re-founded.
  • The Glittering Cavesof Aglarond were a cave system in the White Mountains behind Helm's Deep. Gimli son of Glóin led a large group of Dwarves of Erebor there after the War of the Ring and became the Lord of the Glittering Caves. His Dwarves performed great services for the Rohirrim and the Men of Gondor, of which the most famous was the making of new gates for Minas Tirith, forged out of mithril and steel.[3] The dwarves of Aglarond restored the Hornburg following the War of the Ring, and it became a fortress they shared with the Rohirrim. The Dwarves of the Glittering Caves carefully tended the stone walls and opened new ways and chambers and hung lamps that filled the caverns with light.[5]
  • Rhûn was inhabited by four of the Dwarf clans: the Ironfists, Stiffbeards, Blacklocks and Stonefoots.[6] The distance between their mansions in the East and the Misty Mountains, specifically Gundabad, was said to be as great or greater than that of Gundabad's distance from the Blue Mountains in the West.[7] In the Third Age, Dwarves of those kingdoms journeyed out of Rhûn to join all Middle-earth's other Dwarf clans in the War of the Dwarves and Orcs, which was fought in and under the Misty Mountains. After this war, the survivors returned home. Late in the Third Age, when war and terror grew in Rhûn itself, considerable numbers of its Dwarves left their ancient homelands. They sought refuge in Middle-earth's western lands, where some of them met Frodo Baggins.[8]
  • The Exiled Realm in Dunland was established by Dwarves fleeing from Erebor after it was sacked by Smaug. This is where Thrór departed when he and his companion Nár journeyed to Moria in TA 2790. After the Battle of Azanulbizar, provoked by the Orcs' brutal slaying of Thrór, Thráin II and Thorin led the remnants of their followers back to Dunland but soon left (to eventually settle in the Ered Luin).


  1. 1.01.1J.R.R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien (ed.), The Peoples of Middle-earth, 'The Making of Appendix A': (iv) 'Durin's Folk', pp. 278-9.
  2. ↑J.R.R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien (ed.), The Peoples of Middle-earth, 'Of Dwarves and Men'
  3. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings, Appendix A, 'Durin's Folk'
  4. ↑J.R.R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien (ed.), Unfinished Tales, 'The History of Galadriel and Celeborn', 'Concerning Galadriel and Celeborn'
  5. ↑J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers, 'The Road to Isengard'
  6. ↑J.R.R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien (ed.), The Peoples of Middle-earth, 'Of Dwarves and Men', pp. 301, 322 (note 24)
  7. ↑J.R.R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien (ed.), The Peoples of Middle-earth, 'Of Dwarves and Men', p. 301
  8. ↑J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring, 'The Shadow of the Past'
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Lord Of The Rings Realms

3R1•Book of MazarbulPossessionDwarven
3U2•Gimli's PipePossession • PipeDwarven
3R3Mines of Khazad-DumConditionDwarven
3U4A Royal WelcomeConditionDwarven
3U5Song of DurinConditionDwarven
3C6Storm of ArgumentEventDwarven
3U7•Arwen, Elven RiderCompanion • ElfElven
3R8•Arwen, Lady UndomielCompanion • ElfElven
3U9Beren and LuthienConditionElven
3U10•Calaglin, Elf of LorienAlly • Home 6 • ElfElven
3C11Cast It Into the Fire!EventElven
3U12•Dinendal, Silent ScoutAlly • Home 6 • ElfElven
3R13•Elrond, Herald to Gil-galadAlly • Home 3 • ElfElven
3C14•Erestor, Chief Advisor to ElrondAlly • Home 3 • ElfElven
3R15Forests of LothlorienConditionElven
3C16Friends of OldEventElven
3R17•Galadriel, Lady of the Golden WoodAlly • Home 6 • ElfElven
3U18•Galdor, Councilor From the WestAlly • Home 3 • ElfElven
3R19•Gift of the EvenstarConditionElven
3U20•Golradir, Councilor of ImladrisAlly • Home 3 • ElfElven
3R21•Long-knives of LegolasPossession • Hand WeaponElven
3C22Master of HealingEventElven
3U24•Phial of GaladrielPossessionElven
3U25•Saelbeth, Elven CouncilorAlly • Home 3 • ElfElven
3U26Something Draws NearEventElven
3C28Voice of NimrodelEventElven
3R29Betrayal of IsengardConditionGandalf
3C30Deep in ThoughtEventGandalf
3C31Depart SilentlyEventGandalf
3C33His First Serious CheckEventGandalf
3U35Trust Me as You Once DidConditionGandalf
3C36Unknown PerilsConditionGandalf
3C37Answering the CriesConditionGondor
3R38•Aragorn, Heir to the White CityCompanion • ManGondor
3R39Banner of the White TreeEventGondor
3R40Citadel of Minas TirithConditionGondor
3R41Gondor BowmenConditionGondor
3R42•Horn of BoromirPossessionGondor
3C43Might of NumenorEventGondor
3R44•The Shards of NarsilArtifactGondor
3U45Some Who ResistedEventGondor
3U46Still SharpEventGondor
3U47Voice of RaurosEventGondor
3C48We Must Go WarilyEventGondor
3C49Abandoning Reason for MadnessEventIsengard
3R50Can You Protect Me From Yourself?EventIsengard
3C51Coming for the RingEventIsengard
3R52A Fell Voice on the AirConditionIsengard
3U53Hate and AngerEventIsengard
3R54Hollowing of IsengardConditionIsengard
3C55Isengard AxePossession • Hand WeaponIsengard
3C56Isengard ForgerMinion • OrcIsengard
3U57Isengard RetainerMinion • OrcIsengard
3U58Isengard ServantMinion • OrcIsengard
3C59Isengard ShamanMinion • OrcIsengard
3U60Isengard SmithMinion • OrcIsengard
3U61Isengard WarriorMinion • OrcIsengard
3C62Isengard WorkerMinion • OrcIsengard
3C63One of You Must Do ThisEventIsengard
3R64•Orc CommanderMinion • OrcIsengard
3R65•Orc OverseerMinion • OrcIsengard
3R66•Orthanc BerserkerMinion • Uruk-HaiIsengard
3R67•The Palantir of OrthancArtifactIsengard
3R68•Saruman, Keeper of IsengardMinion • WizardIsengard
3C69•Saruman, Servant of the EyeMinion • WizardIsengard
3C70Servants to SarumanEventIsengard
3R71Tower of OrthancConditionIsengard
3U72Trapped and AloneConditionIsengard
3U73The Trees Are StrongEventIsengard
3C74Uruk RaiderMinion • Uruk-HaiIsengard
3U75Uruk RavagerMinion • Uruk-HaiIsengard
3C76Dangerous GambleEventMoria
3R77Depths of MoriaConditionMoria
3C78Hide and SeekEventMoria
3R80Such a Little ThingEventMoria
3R81Gates of the Dead CityConditionWraith
3U82News of MordorEventWraith
3U83•The Ring Draws ThemConditionWraith
3C84They Will Never Stop Hunting YouEventWraith
3R85Too Great and TerribleEventWraith
3U86•Ulaire Otsea, Ringwraith in TwilightMinion • NazgulWraith
3C87The Dark Lord AdvancesEventSauron
3U88Get Off the Road!EventSauron
3U89Gleaming in the SnowEventSauron
3C90Hand of SauronEventSauron
3R91His Cruelty and MaliceConditionSauron
3U92Massing in the EastEventSauron
3R93Morgul SlayerMinion • OrcSauron
3C94Orc ButcherMinion • OrcSauron
3C95Orc GuardMinion • OrcSauron
3U96Orc PillagerMinion • OrcSauron
3U97Orc SlayerMinion • OrcSauron
3C98Orc SwordsmanMinion • OrcSauron
3R99Orc TrooperMinion • OrcSauron
3U100Orc VeteranMinion • OrcSauron
3C101Orc WarriorMinion • OrcSauron
3R102•Our List of Allies Grows ThinConditionSauron
3R103Terrible as the DawnEventSauron
3R104Tower of Barad-durConditionSauron
3R105Why Shouldn't I Keep It?EventSauron
3U106•Bill the PonyPossessionShire
3U107•Frodo's PipePossession • PipeShire
3C108Frying PanPossession • Hand WeaponShire
3C109Meant to Be AloneEventShire
3R110•Melilot Brandybuck, Merry DancerAlly • Home 1 • HobbitShire
3C111•Old Noakes, Purveyor of WisdomsAlly • Home 1 • HobbitShire
3C112Seek and HideEventShire
3R113The Shire CountrysideConditionShire
3C114Three Monstrous TrollsConditionShire
3U115Caras GaladhonSiteSite
3U116Eregion HillsSiteSite
3C117Gates of ArgonathSiteSite
3C118The Great RiverSiteSite
3U119House of ElrondSiteSite
3U120Wastes of Emyn MuilSiteSite
3P121•Legolas, Son of ThranduilCompanion • ElfElven
3P122•Boromir, Defender of Minas TirithCompanion • ManGondor
3M1•Arwen, Elven Rider (M)Companion • ElfElven
3M2Hand of Sauron (M)EventSauron